About the book

The first Chapter I wrote when I was 13. Since then I've neglected it and this blog is a way to motivate me to keep writing it, thought it's not helping much.

The book is about a man's journey through a parallel universe and the futility of humankind and it's knowledge.

It also does it's best to make almost, but not quite, entirely no sense at all.

Saturday 26 May 2007

Chapter One

I cannot tell you what my real name is but let’s just call me Jeremiah Tobias Hansley, for the sake of simplicity. In actual fact, the book you are reading has not yet been written and the words I am saying have never been uttered. The people you read about are not real nor do any of the places exist. Therefore, if these people, who are not real, interact in places that do not exist, nothing is happening. But then nothing is something too, isn’t it? And if I am going to be in a non-existent place, I will be nowhere. But then nowhere is somewhere too, isn’t it? Therefore, I, Jeremiah Tobias Hansley, who am not Jeremiah Tobias Hansley, will be doing nothing in nowhere and I’m taking you with me in this book that has not yet been written with the words I am saying that have never been uttered.

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