About the book

The first Chapter I wrote when I was 13. Since then I've neglected it and this blog is a way to motivate me to keep writing it, thought it's not helping much.

The book is about a man's journey through a parallel universe and the futility of humankind and it's knowledge.

It also does it's best to make almost, but not quite, entirely no sense at all.

Wednesday 30 May 2007

Chapter 1C

The reason that earthling man has not yet found the place nonexistent is because of its invisible existence through a parallel universe. In fact, the place non-existent is situated on the exact same axis as earth, circling in the exact same path around the sun as earth, just millions of years before earth’s existence. This is why it is inaccessible by man through any space ships or rockets; only through the non-existent portal or a time transporter can it be accessed. The portal is only accessible at non-existent time applied is the following formula: NE time × 33(………) In other words it is only by complete chance that you will ever be at the portal at the right time.


Sigma said...

let me see if I get this, its there, just not there at the time that you get there?

Aclaesxiesy said...

the portal's location is constantly changing so the chance that both the individual and the portal's paths cross is very slim