About the book

The first Chapter I wrote when I was 13. Since then I've neglected it and this blog is a way to motivate me to keep writing it, thought it's not helping much.

The book is about a man's journey through a parallel universe and the futility of humankind and it's knowledge.

It also does it's best to make almost, but not quite, entirely no sense at all.

Wednesday 30 May 2007

Chapter 1B

To understand the concept of non-existence, the concept of existence must first be understood. On the third planet from the sun, the place called “earth”, the planet where the human life forms are indigenous, these life forms feel that they dominate the universe and therefore try to control the human knowledge. The universe in parallel to earth is not known of by man and therefore even the possibility of its existence is ruled out. So even though in the eyes of man the place does not exist, it is still present in the universe and therefore does exist, but not officially.

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